Travelers Business Insurance Offerings
in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, CA, and throughout the Bay Area

Travelers Business Insurance Offerings

Risk is a fact of life with anything, including your business in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and throughout the Bay Area. While you can’t eliminate risk, you can work to protect against it and the ramifications of an event happening.

That’s why you get Travelers Insurance from your friendly local agents at Concise Solutions Insurance. They offer a full suite of different business insurance options that will help to mitigate risk while allowing you to continue your business. Whether you have need of one of the many different inland marine insurance options or you need to protect against online theft and extortion, Travelers Insurance has the right business insurance policies for your needs.

Contact our team today to learn more and review your business insurance needs or to learn about our top carriers.

Travelers insurance for Business Insurance in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, CA, and throughout the Bay Area

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General Liability Insurance in San Francisco, Alameda, San Leandro and Nearby Cities

General Liability Insurance and More

The vast majority of business can benefit from having a general liability insurance policy through Travelers Insurance. This is because your business touches many different people and organizations, and the sad fact is that any one of those people or organizations could claim property damage or personal injury as a result of your business. And while this is a more generic business insurance that applies to nearly any business, there are other important business insurance policies that are more specific for different industries.

Construction insurance is one of those more specific insurance policies, and many times it is specific to the trade. Whether your business involves electrical wiring, concrete or masonry services, or even building bridges, there are unique issues that construction insurance policies can address. Technology insurance, which is becoming more common for a variety of industries, can cover a variety of issues including data breaches, cyber extortion, and more.

Insurance for Healthcare Facilities

Any healthcare facility has plenty of personal information about hundreds, if not thousands of people. This is definitely a risk and it is important to take steps to protect that information. Clinics, skilled nursing facilities, diagnostic laboratories, surgical hospitals, and many more healthcare facilities can benefit from business disruption insurance that includes property, general liability, and more.

Travelers Insurance has been offering a variety of protective insurance policies for more than 150 years for businesses in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and throughout the Bay Area.

Our team at Concise Solutions Insurance can help to get the right insurance for your business, just contact us today to get started.

Healthcare Business Insurance in Oakland, San Francisco, Santa Clara and Nearby Cities

Were able to insure me in spite of my records. Always friendly and accessible in taking payments or processing endorsements. Very hospitable...

-Josimar S

“Started a New Auto Policy”

-Joseph G

Started a new policy for a second building I purchased

-Rometta W

I was helped in adding a new car to my auto insurance, I was helped very much with speedy service


The lady was very helpful in helping me with a payment for my auto policy and getting me a new quote for a motorcycle.

-Miguel S

I have been with you guys so long I am very comfortable with your services, especially today being helped with my new auto policy.

-Julie Annette J

“I am comfortable with their service. I would definitely recommend them to my friends thank god till now I am happy with their service.

-Pedro J

I Liked the service. Very helpful. I started a new policy with them again because of the service.

-Faustino R

Its very important for me that they help me very fast, I am so thankful for their service.

-Jose R

“You have a lot of patience. Very helpful. I recommended a lot of friends and family. I would put 10 stars I would. In fact, I would invite you to eat

-Luis A