Schools and Educational Facilities Insurance
in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, CA, and throughout the Bay Area

Teaching others is a rewarding thing to do, no matter if it is tutoring younger students or instructing at the university level.

Educational facilities are no different from many other businesses that have physical locations and utilize the knowledge and experience of trained professionals. This is why it is important to work with Concise Solutions Insurance to ensure that your educational facilities in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and throughout the Bay Area have the right insurance for their needs. More and more it is important that you can practice your profession without fear of a lawsuit or other issues that could end a career or business.

Talk with our team about the different options for all members of the educational staff.

Educators Liability Insurance in Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley, CA and Nearby Cities

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Educators Liability Insurance in Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley, CA and Nearby Cities

Protecting Educators And Their Services

No one expects to have their services questioned, but different people can have different expectations. You may be working as a tutor to help students do their best on the ACT exam, but when someone’s child doesn’t do as well as they think they should have, they could come back on you and claim that you didn’t do your job. Professional liability insurance will provide you with the resources to help refute this claim and protect your job and career.

This scenario can happen at a four-year college, a two-year community college, or even at a primary schooling district. The educational business will need to have workers compensation insurance for work-related injuries, which is separate from the professional liability insurance. It might be worthwhile to look at an umbrella policy as well to help provide enhanced financial coverage that extends beyond your primary commercial insurance policies as well.

Technology Insurance Affects Educational Businesses

With the advances in technology it is now possible to provide educational services to anyone practically anywhere in the world. Like a two edged sword, this provides opportunities but also presents new challenges, and means that having some technology insurance in place is a must. With computers connected to the internet it makes it possible for a hacker to access your computer and steal data of your students or others.

Schools can be targets of a lot of negative activity, either collectively with student information or individually with specific educators in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and throughout the Bay Area. Don’t leave yourself and your team vulnerable and contact our team at Concise Solutions Insurance to be sure that you have all of your bases covered.

teacher using tablet with Technology Insurance
