Medical Offices Insurance
in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, CA, and throughout the Bay Area

Anyone working in healthcare, from large hospitals and clinics to smaller research laboratories and other support service businesses in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and throughout the Bay Area, needs to be covered with medical business insurance.

There are many different kinds of healthcare business insurance options and our team at Concise Solutions Insurance can help to explain these options and determine what are the right insurance policies needed. Typically medical facilities need to have people on site, whether that includes medical workers or patients, and this necessitates a general liability insurance policy to protect against someone claiming injury on the property.

But this is only the beginning, so contact our team to discuss the other areas that you might be vulnerable in.

two people discussing Medical Offices Insurance in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, CA, and throughout the Bay Area

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Healthcare Business Insurance in San Francisco, Santa Clara, Berkeley and Nearby Cities

Protecting Patients Medical Records

A generation or more ago, medical records were of the paper variety and in order to get your hands on someone’s file you physically needed to go to the building where the records were stored. These days most records are now in electronic format and stored on servers. This makes medical offices and hospitals subject to hacking attempts and other nefarious cyber crimes, and this means technology insurance against these situations is important to help deal with it when it happens.

The team of doctors and others that manage and run the large medical facilities should have specific insurance coverage such as directors and officers insurance to help cover legal fees and other associated costs should they come into a lawsuit from vendors, employees, investors, or others. It is also a good idea to have employment practices liability insurance to help deal with legal costs associated with lawsuits over civil rights violations, Americans with Disabilities Act violations, and others.

Protect Against Internal Risks As Well

Crime insurance helps to cover business-related crimes, and at medical facilities there are many different crimes of opportunity that present themselves, despite the internal checks that medical facilities put in place. Theft of equipment, drugs, or other items are important to address, as is forgery that leads to obtaining items that otherwise would not be allowed. Even extortion schemes can have specific insurance issued for, such as for someone demanding treatment while using a firearm or holding patient data hostage online.

There are many things that medical offices and facilities need to spend time planning for and getting the right business insurance coverage for in Santa Clara, Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and throughout the Bay Area. From protecting patient information to dealing with theft of drugs or other situations, Concise Solutions Insurance can help your medical facility get the right coverage in place.

potential patient data theft to Protect Against Internal Risks As Well​
